Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Stress Can Make You Sick

There is a very interesting post made from The Chicago Wellness Center that relates to how Stress can be making you sick. The article mentions that, "We have pretty well come to accept that ulcers and emotional upsets are connected. We also tend to connect excess work stress to heart attacks...Whenever we are subjected to fear, worry, hatred, anger, jealously, ect., our glandular system secretes hormones into our blood vascular system."

The article also goes onto to give an analogy of how these effects can be seen in other ways as well. "Prolonged stress resulting in partially contracted muscles can cause the spine to curve and twist somewhat like sucking the thumb could cause the front teeth to protrude. While drugs may help to relax the muscles, they do not undo the damage to the spine and nervous system which may be causing chronic or severe aches and pains." Medicine does not cure your aches and pains, it only masks the symptoms.

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Special Thanks to Chicago Wellness Center